Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Promise Note 2011

This past weekend my life coach and I worked on a promise note to myself. Its like a contract between you and yourself. I read it several times a day.

I promise myself to stay committed to my goals. My short-term goal to myself is to be a size 10 by May 4, 2011. To reach my goal I will stick to a diet that is rich in nutrients, lean, and overall beneficial to my body. I will avoid non-foods, which are junk food (sweets, chips, ects), refined carbohydrates, bad fats, and processed foods. I will do more cooking at home and less eating out. I will avoid any persons that are not promoter of my goals. When I feel the urge to get non-foods I will take the time to do some inner reflection that causes me to want to eat these foods. I will not suppress the emotional turmoil by eating the non-foods. I will address whatever concerns are bothering me at that time.

This I promise to myself because I deserve it.
Vee Bleu


Unknown said...

Good afternoon Vee....can Roc and i see this wonderful diet you've created? Wanna make sure you reach that goal properly and maintain it.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Vee....Stay on it...You can do it! Anyone that's out to distract you from reaching your goal needs to stay well away! Jane