Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Compliments are so much better than a scale!!

Today when I walked into the gym, my trainer Nate ( Owner of Crossfit Sandy Springs) asked me if I had lost weight. I told him I had no clue because I put the scale away. :)

Weighing yourself everyday or every week is not an accurate assessment of what is going on with your body. You could be gaining muscle which means you may weigh more or you might be losing inches and the scale isn't moving. Even worse, riding the emotional roller-coaster of constant weigh-ins can increase stress, interrupt sleep habits, and lead to difficult relationships with food, all of which have an effect on fat gain/loss. -- Mark Daily Apple ( great article to read!)

For me my indicators are dropping dress/pants sizes, or body fat measurements, or just feeling really good about myself and my progress.

About today's WOD: it was freakin awesome and fun. We did sprints and boy did I get stinky and sweaty. My legs are super sore. I felt like I was back on the high school track. :)

Who knew 5 mins of sprinting would kill me!

15 rounds for distance of:
Sprint 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds
Start each round at previous round’s end point.
Results: 1200 mm

Vee Bleu


padacs said...
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padacs said...

Thank you so much for sharing it.
Being fit and healthy is not the same as being slim. The Withings scale lets you see the difference and allows you to monitor any increase of muscle which appears as your lean mass reading.

Fitness Scales